Our Mission/Who We Support

Who We Support
Services for People with Disabilities & Anti-Ableism Programs for Employers
Day 8 Staffing Solutions proceeds directly support services for children and adults with disabilities through its nonprofit parent, Northwest Center. When you work with Day 8 you give back to your community because your business funds a spectrum of services for people with disabilities:
- Support for families of children born with disabilities or delays
- Therapy and resources for infants and toddlers
- Inclusive early learning and education programs for kids of all abilities
- Inclusion training and consultation for businesses and early educators
Making Business, Education, and the World Inclusive
Northwest Center (NWC) is one of the nation’s most comprehensive organizations advancing equal opportunities for people with disabilities, providing services and leading the way to an inclusive world through innovation and service.
Hospital-to-Home supports homecomings for hospitalized babies and families.
Early Supports is a family-centered program of therapy for children with developmental delays.
Early Learning operates an inclusive school where children with and without disabilities learn together.
IMPACT provides inclusion training and support for early learning providers.
Employment Services works with adults with disabilities to find meaningful employment, assess career interests, offer hands-on training, provide ongoing job coaching and support, and help high school seniors get on a path to employment.
Is Day 8 Staffing Solutions a nonprofit?
Day 8 Staffing Solutions is a Social Enterprise business owned by Northwest Center, one of the nation’s leading organizations advancing equal opportunities for people with disabilities and building a more inclusive world. When you do business with Day 8, know that 100% of our profits benefit children and adults with disabilities.
What is Northwest Center?
Northwest Center is a nonprofit that provides education and employment services for children and adults with disabilities. Its mission is to promote the growth, development, and independence of people with disabilities through programs of therapy, education, and work opportunity.
Northwest Center has been creating a more inclusive world since 1965, when four mothers refused to accept that their children would be rejected from school and society. They founded Northwest Center, led the passage of landmark legislation that opened school doors to children with disabilities, and made history. Since then, Northwest Center has advanced equal opportunities for children and adults with disabilities, providing early support, early education, school-age programs, and employment services.
How does Day 8 fit within Northwest Center?
Day 8 is part of Northwest Center’s portfolio of Social Enterprises, businesses that also do good in the world.
Does Northwest Center have other Social Enterprise businesses?
Yes, Northwest Center’s Social Enterprise portfolio also includes The Big Blue Truck, OneNorth Integrated Facility Solutions, Lithtex NWC, and Print it Forward.
What kind of impact is Northwest Center making in the world?
Northwest Center serves people with disabilities from the cradle through their careers serving more than 13,000 children and adults.
This translates into:
- Serving more than 1,100 children in our schools and Early Supports program
- Training and supporting 1,200 early-learning providers on inclusion
- Supporting approximately 700 clients with disabilities at work
- Placing 95 people with disabilities in jobs and providing support as long as needed
- Adding 60 new employment sites for people with disabilities
This is only a fraction of what Northwest Center does every year. Want to learn more? Check out our most recent annual report. Or, read about Northwest Center In the News.
Let's Talk
Ready to optimize your operations while making a meaningful impact? Contact us to discuss your needs and get a custom quote.